Benefits of Marigolds for Chickens
Our chicken run and our garden separated by a fence. In the spring and fall, we open the door and allow the girls to roam free in the garden. They scratch and poop and do all these wonderful things for the soil. When it’s time to plant and grow, we shut the door and they just talk to me while I’m busy pulling weeds or harvesting our supper. Make sure you always have that door closed though! Chickens will make quick work of your garden if you forget to shut the gate!
Something I do every year is plant marigolds around the garden fence. This creates a beautiful border that deters garden pests as well as provides my chickens with a yummy and healthy snack!
What are the benefits of marigolds for my chickens you may ask? Well, let me tell you! Marigolds contain powerful antioxidants which help keep the chickens healthy and assists in fighting off any diseases. Marigolds are a great natural immunity booster for your flock.
Egg yolk depends on the diet fed to hens. If marigolds are included in the diet, they will naturally influence the egg yolk color to be a deep yellow. But is that all? No.
Marigolds will also benefit the “health” of the egg. According to the Journal of Poultry Science, a study was done to look at the benefits of marigold flower extract on eggs. They found that marigolds will not only produce richer yolks, but they will also drop the cholesterol level as well. This means, healthier hens AND healthier eggs for us humans! Incredible!
So, while you’re browsing the flower section at your local garden center, make sure you pick up some seeds or a flat of marigolds. They are inexpensive and easy to keep alive. What a great treat for your girls!
If you’re not into gardening and would like to incorporate marigolds into your flocks diet, look no further than Strong Animals Chicken Essentials treat, Golden Graze™.
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